
Does anyone know where I can find a Head Size Guide like what sq. in. are considered mid, mid plus, oversize?

by  |  earlier

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I just want to have one




  1. If you look up a frame on any online site they have the head size. Unfortunately they don't have all the frames. You could also try the company sites, but again if it's really old...

    Try to google different frames. The info must be somewhere

  2. uh from what i understand, you are asking me what amount of sqr in on a raquet head qualifies as an oversized midplus mid.. ect.

    Well.. this all sorta depends on the frame itself. Some raquets are just smaller and some are bigger. There isn't really a specific amount.

    Heres what i go by:

    105 + is oversized

    105- ~95 is mid plus

    95 - is Mid

    Hope this helps.. i dont know why you need this information though

  3. This is in Tenniswarehouse website, click "racquet categories", and choose by "head size category"

    Mid = 80-93

    Mid-plus = 94-105

    Oversize = 106-115

    Super Oversize = 116+

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