
Does anyone know where I can find a chiropractor in Gran Canaria, Spain?

by Guest32272  |  earlier

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Bit of a long shot I guess, but I did my back in down the Gym, and am now walking sideways.





  1. google maps!

    idk im in the United States so idk.

    but spain! omg. i bet its pretty there! im wanting to go for the summer....dont know why im typing this?

  2. Oooh Neil! Poor you- and on holiday! Not good :-(

    I can't find a Chiropractor but what about an alternative healing centre- they claim to help with backpain- worth a try?

    Its about the best and nearest thing for you hon.

    Hope you're better soon!

  3. Erm. look one up on the internet. You really are having a cr*p time out there aren't you. Hope it is sunny at least, its rubbish here.

  4. yellow pages my friend yellow pages....... sorry thats s******g up your holiday :(

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