
Does anyone know where I can find a list of vehicles with their gas mileages for the last 10 years?

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Does anyone know where I can find a list of vehicles with their gas mileages for the last 10 years?




  1. USA Environmental Protection Agency ratings: or*g/findacar....

    (elsewhere on the site you can also find the fuel economy reported by actual owners as well: )

    Canada Office of Energy Efficiency ratings:

    UK Vehicle Certification Agency ratings:

    Australia Green Vehicle Guide:

    Different countries use different fuel economy test cycles to calculate fuel economy. However, all cars are tested by the same test within that country, so you can easily compare one car against another.  Manufacturers are required by law to post/advertise the governmental figures.  Your actual fuel economy will mostly depend on how you drive/operate your car.

    Note that cars built for different countries may be built differently. Also beware of US vs. Imperial gallons used for MPG calculations (Imperial gallon is larger than the US gallon).

  2. Try first to restrict your field, then look at the general insurance companies (such as warrantydirect in the UK), auto/touring clubs (German ADAC), car tests and reviews...

    Consider that the values from different markets can't be converted directly: it's not just the units (mpg, km/L) but also the test cycle - the figures were determined using standard drive simulation cycles which differ considerably. And then, the same car may have different components, transmission, pollution control, tires, weight and performance, depending on the market.

    In the end, there isn't a reliable way to compare such figures - the real-life results are disappointing because the manufacturers' mpg are optimistic.

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