
Does anyone know where I can find information on how the brain processes langauge in comparison to mathematics

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Does anyone know where I can find information on how the brain processes langauge in comparison to mathematics




  1. Language is highly lateralized in most people to the left cerebral hemisphere.  The crucial activities are mostly in the areas known as Broca's area and Wernicke's area.  Some language functions are in the right hemisphere, but if Broca's and Wernicke's areas are destroyed - by a stroke or other injury - the patient is largely unable to communicate.

    Mathematics is partly lateralized to the right cerebral hemisphere, but this lateralization is less pronounced than it is for language.  This is in part due to the requirement that math has for a 'grammar' = the objects need to fall in particular order for them to make sense, similar to language.  i.e.:  6 - 4 is different from 4 - 6, as are 'man bites dog' and 'dog bites man'.  This ordering is lateralized to the left, I think, although other aspects of math are in the right or both hemispheres.

    This is a really superficial description of math and language.  Whole books have been written about these subjects.  Perhaps you can find some that suit your needs at Amazon?

    Probably you can scare up a good bit of info just via googling as well.

    Good luck!

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