
Does anyone know where I can find out about Mary Boleyn???

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OK, I watched the movie The Other Boleyn Girl the other night and wanted to know more about what happened to Mary Boleyn after she left court, I know she had a son with Henry the VIII, but what was the child's name, what happened to him, why can't I find anything about them online besides the fact that she was his mistress, I am confused about this lack of info on the internet, I would like a website or a book or something?




  1. just try putting her name in search  and look at all the websites accordingly ............................she is known but not as much as her sister because history overtook anne giving her a long lasting place both as the reason for henry's move from the catholic church and being the mother of elizabeth  

  2. ask a member of her fanclub

  3. Whether or not her son was fathered by Henry VIII is controversial.  She gave the child her husband's last name.  There is however a Henry Fitzroy who is reputed to be Henry's son out of wedlock, whose mother's name was Bessie Blount.  Try Wikipedia and also try keyword "Mary Boleyn" there are many websites on the subject.

  4. did you try wikipedia?

  5. Try this site

  6. Wikipedia, And type in Mary Boleyn

  7. Mary Boleyn married William Carey, with whom she had two children.  There has been speculation that Henry may actually have been the father of her children, but there is no proof of this, and it is likely that her affair with Henry was over before her children were born.  Henry never acknowledged them as his, and it seems likely that if they had been his he would have done so (his only acknowledged b*****d was Henry Fitzroy, his son by Bessie Blount, who was his mistress before Mary Boleyn).

    After William Carey died, Mary married again.  Her new husband was William Stafford, who she apparently married for love, and who was a soldier and a distant cousin of the late Duke of Buckingham.  He was considered to be far beneath her, and the Boleyn family were so furious at her marriage that they persuaded the King to forbid the digraced couple the court.  When her father cut off her allowance, Mary wrote in despair to Cromwell, begging him to intercede with the Queen and other members of her family on her behalf, but to no avail, she was never again received at court.  She and her husband retired into obscurity in the country.  later her father relented and allowed the them the use of Rochford hall in Essex, which remained their chief home until Mary Boleyn died on July 19 1543.

  8. Yes, we have these things called "Libraries" all over the place. You can look in youj phone book for the nearest one to you. They should have plenty of info. And Mary Boleyn never had a son with Henry VIII

    PS. You asked where you could find information. You didn't say "give me information" or "where can I find information on the internet." You don't like the answer, write a better question next time.

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