
Does anyone know where I can find the surgical procedure for the pomeroy technique, OBGYN field?

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Does anyone know where I can find the surgical procedure for the pomeroy technique, OBGYN field?




  1. Pomeroy technique of tubal ligation and resection

    Tubal ligation and resection (removal) of a portion of the fallopian tube is the most frequent method of blocking the tubes. This involves tying a segment of tube and removing it. There are many variations of this technique. The tubal ligation procedure is a century old. However still followed most commonly in the present time.

    With the Pomeroy method of tubal ligation, part of the tube is elevated to create a loop or knuckle. An absorbable ligature is tied around the base of the elevated segment, and the tubal segment is cut out.

    Within a few days, the peritoneum (tissue that lines the organs of the abdominal cavity) grows over and covers the cut ends of the tubal segments. The cut ends of the fallopian tube separate as the ligature dissolves. The peritoneal covering and separation of the remaining tubal segments prevent them from re-attaching to each other.

    Doctors like the Pomeroy procedure because it is simple and effective. Pomeroy tubal ligation is most often performed after delivery by cesarean section.

    Pomeroy tubal ligation typically leaves two healthy segments of fallopian tube that can be rejoined through tubal ligation reversal surgery. The amount of tube removed can be determined prior to tubal reversal from the tubal ligation operative report and pathology report. After reviewing these reports, a prognosis for pregnancy may be determined after tubal reversal.

    Variations of the Pomeroy tubal ligation technique include the length and location of the tied and cut tubal segment, number and type of ligatures placed around the tube, and whether the cut ends of the tube were also crushed or coagulated. These variations of the Pomeroy procedure determine the lengths of tubal segments remaining that can be repaired. The Pomeroy method of tubal ligation is a good one to have if you are considering tubal reversal surgery. Approximately two-thirds of women with a Pomeroy tubal ligation become pregnant following tubal ligation reversal.

    Good Luck !

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