
Does anyone know where I can get a Masters of History degree online?

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I already am a teacher at the primary level, although I am certified at the secondary level for history. I have an undergrad in history and a master's in education. I want the master's in history for my +45, a nice raise, and so that I can get a job not at a University but at a local community college, I prefer being somewhere where I can teach not just do research. I might eventually get my PHd in History but for that I will actually attend school. I just don't have time right now to go to school and am looking for a self-paced online program that I can do.




  1. Why do you want a masters of history online?  Are you planning on teaching High School history or at the college level?

    I ask this because most colleges hire Phd's in history because there are alot of Phds in History right now.  I have a history degree as well and know some akkadian, latin, greek, a minor in anthroplogy.  I am even hesitant to get a history degree because in the end you need to find a job.

    Seriously consider what you are going to be able to do with that degree.  Any number of places will sell you a masters degree and you will only find that it will get you in 20k of debt and no where.

    Most people get a  PHd in history ad then end up being an assistant prof. at 4-5 JC's or universities and hope (I mean pray) to get a tenureship somewhere.  I know some prof.'s 56 yrs old without tenureships and they have Phd's.  Asistant prof's are part time prof's.

    Seriously consider this option.

  2. May be this site can help you

  3. Find online masters history programs at:


  4. Try the University's in your State.  I live in Ohio, and Cleveland State offers a few Master degrees online.  You just got to make sure its a real school and not these online scams.

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