
Does anyone know where I can get a Wii that's not from Best Buy, Ebay or Circuit City?

by  |  earlier

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I want a WII but i can't find them at Best Buy, Circuit City or Target. Someone told me Walmart but I never catch them. I live in NC right now....anyone got the hook up? I pay the price.....I just want a real one. I could get it off Ebay but my account keeps getting closed.




  1. call all the places that would have it and ask them when they r getting there next shipment of wiis. then stop buy on the date there getting it

  2. game stop, wal mart, toys r us.  

  3. my parents got me one for christmas last year in like july and the receipt said they got it at gamestop in cary by the crossroads ford

  4. every where




    you could even get them at blockbuster

    go to a game store like gamestop or ebay games

    mabye you could sneak into your neighbors house when there gone and take theres jk dont do that

    but seriously ever where

  5. I heard that Comcast has a promotion right now where you get a free WII when you sign up for cable or something.  It looked like a good deal so you should check that out.

  6. You can check out these wii tracker sites to see who has it in stock online.

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