
Does anyone know where I can get a book on king Tut??

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Does anyone know where I can get a book on king Tut??




  1. Try the library! Or Metropolitan Museum of New York also has books about Tutankamun. Local bookstores are also a good place to ask.Just enter the name of Tutankhamum in any of the places you search.

  2. The first step would be to check your local library. Especially if you have a college in your town, they will have a much wider selection. If that wields no results you can try any larger bookstore. Borders, or any place like that, should have a decent enough history section to provided a book about such an important man. If all of that fails, go online. In fact Online might be the best choice: It will, however, be more expensive (shipping costs ect.).

  3. go to a local library

  4. The library.

  5. its called a was invented by benjamin man, smart man.

  6. Any large local bookstore, amazon, Borders, Barnes & Noble, etc.

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