
Does anyone know where I can get a good bowl of split pea soup in Houston???

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I'm having a major craving for it right now!




  1. Try:

    RJ Goodies

    17297 Stuebner Airline Rd.  

    Spring TX 77379



  2. I would try Kat'z Deli over on Westheimer or mabye Central Market.  You could also drive to San Antonio (ha-ha!) and go to Schilo's Deli located downtown.  They have the best split pea soup you will ever find.  What's a 3 hour drive for a strong craving ;)

  3. Cafe Le Peep has it sometimes, so does Central Market but it depends on the day. I think they have it more in the Winter.

    Otherwise, Central Market has packages of all the ingredients needed to make it on the soups aisle near the Wine Dept. and it's really good. Just throw everything in a pot of broth and let it boil until done.

  4. I make my own. It takes about 90 minutes.

    I've never had split pea soup in a restaurant before.

  5. You should try Whole Food, the one in Bellaire, they serve it occasionally.

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