
Does anyone know where I can get an English speaking job in Germany, after my military tour is complete?

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Does anyone know where I can get an English speaking job in Germany, after my military tour is complete?




  1. I am living in Italy and I have the same problem. This may help. Try putting flyers up at colleges and around the town you live in.Some people will pay for conversation of English.That is if you know a little German to get by.There are always people wanting to learn English.Goodluck!

  2. try the embassy. They always need help..

  3. how about a translator... stupid.

  4. god how dumb is tst1980! it depends on how much german you actually know. if the answer is none it is much harder belive me. anyways teaching english only requires a short training course, if not sadly enough the only options seem to be english/irish bars. some banks have english only department but you need qualifications...there is always proof reading and copywriting if your english is a high level.good luck!

  5. A very easy option would be to check the Irish Pub in whichever city you are and ask for work there. My boyfriend had absolutely no German when he came over but found work in there - Germans love to show off their English, so they do not mind speaking English in an Irish Pub. And believe me, there are plenty of Irish Pubs in Germany...

  6. px, library, mwr, post office, defac, comissary, bank

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