
Does anyone know where I can get cyanide in India?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know where I can get cyanide in India? Especially in the Chennai city.




  1. uh no

    tomorrow will be a better day,  don't solve a temporary problem with a permanent solution !  write my e-mail if you need to talk !

  2. Ur only goin 2 end up in h**l, why go so quicky? The everlasting fire! Take ur time n find ur purpose, u have 2 look before u close all doors! Dnt try 2end ur life, if ur nt happy find a way to help otherz that will satisfy ur reason 4 living for a purpose!rememba god say ASK N U SHALL RECEIVE,n dat doesnt mean death!everyones time changes!whats 2day wont b 2moro!

  3. I've heard there's a bit in apples-- eat loadsa apples really quickly.........

  4. I am sure that your intention is not what you are mentioning. Any way indirectly this would make weak hearted persons to think on those lines. Better citizen will do the following .

    1.Meet psychiatrist and explain your thought.

    2.Decide  on your intention is to punish your mind or body.

    3. If you decide to punish body then mind will escape the punishment in the form of athma (as per HINDU and Buddhism belief ) and you will again take birth in the form of another life.

    If you want to find solution join some NGO's and help the terminally ill people.There you will be a better person.

  5. you really want to do this , let me tell you something, its not what its all cracked up to be( you watch to many tv shows) ! ! !

    this is not a very goos way to go, its very painful and sometimes dont work!  There are a lot of other ways to do this and most are easy and you dont need to ask how to find what you want !

    but if you must , you can get what you asked for in " BANNANAS" , yeah thats right ! ! ! but you must know how to use them first (that i wont tell you) ! ! ! !

    i can tell that from what you already wrote , that you arent doing this for your self , its mainly to hurt someone else! it aint worth it!!

  6. There's a guy named Suresh in Bombay.  He'll hook you up.

  7. Do you need to get rid of someone?

  8. Any 7 eleven in India.

  9. You are a coward, cannot even die,

    If you want to die, die why come to Yahoo Q&A asking people

    to sympathise with you.  In our city there are always people

    who are ready to jump in to the tank so they posted policemen to stop them and book cases against them.

    There are many people who spend more on their animal pets

    than people,  our government makes laws to saves our lives

    like wear helmets, wear seat belts, don't drink, don't smoke,

    don't go to women of ill repute --- all this to save out lives ?

    Then when we are alive who and where are the laws to feed a

    poor man.  Why are there so many beggers ? Why doesn't the government save their lives,  they can make them wear helmets as they are exposed to traffic all the time while they are at the traffic stop light.

  10. Hi, I can help you get cyanide in chennai. But, i have never helped anyone for free and don't intend to do that for you. I have a deal to offer - think over it and let me know if its acceptable. I promise that i will get cyanide for you but it has a price tag. There is a certain orphanage in chennai which needs someone to take classes for their kids. If you agree to teach those kids for 4 months, i will get you cyanide after the 4 months. You can teach english, maths or science or any other subject that you can teach - the classes has to be 4 hrs everyday for 4 months - let me know if the deal is acceptable to you.

  11. i hope your kidding.

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