
Does anyone know where I can get help for my kids

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Hi, I am a single mom recently unemployed at that, I was working as a Church Secretary but I got laid off for one month which means no pay for two months, with school coming up I have NO way to buy school clothes for my two boys.. A while back i heard that there was a site available on the internet that helped people in my situation but I cannot find it.. DOES ANYONE HERE know of a site that helps people in bad situations, I just dont know what I am going to do and I have no family and a loan is out of the option...Where I live our community is very small and programs that might exist in Los Angeles do not exist here and finding employment I am trying very hard but jobs are far and few I dont have much time and any advice would help my boys are rough and the school clothes they had from last year just wont stand this year.. I know that there is a site avaiable because i have heard about it on the news so if anyone knows what I am tlak ing about please let me know




  1. Try your local freecycle site. You could also post a want ad on craigslist.  

  2. I would go to your local salvation army they are always helping in those situations. Or to your local welfare office to. they are great for when someone needs help. and it sounds like you really do. Just tell them your situation and go from there. I would start at the welfare office first. good luck.

  3. try local food pantry's, churches and salvation army.  

  4. no i dont know a site on the internet but there is always salvation army and depending on where you live social service may help you. sorry about your bad luck

  5. i dont know of a website, but i do know there is human resourses or "welfare". This is why the programs are there, to help family's when in need. they will give you a clothing allowance and help with rent and bill untill you get on your feet....Post an ad on kijiji or something asking if there is anyone willing to donate old clothing for your kids...its ok to ask for help sometimes. Dont be ashamed...sometimes bad things happen to good people...Keep your head up.. sorry im not sure of the website you are talking about

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