
Does anyone know where I can get info. on buying previously logged or clearcut (or other cheap) lands in B.C.?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I would like to buy cheap land in B.C.,

pretty well anywhere in B.C. (pref. south of Prince Rupert).

By cheap I mean around 1k per acre or less.

I know about Dignam Land, and though we're considering them, they haven't had many good offerings (for us) in B.C. over the last two years.

We'd be ok with buying logged or clearcut land, not because logging/clearcutting is condonable, but because we want to heal and love whatever land we can afford.

Please, does anyone know of websites or phone numbers I can use to find out about available lands in our price range?

We're hoping for 5-25 acres (or so).

Thank you kindly.





  1. Sorry, I couldn't find anything. Maybe try contacting local government offices or public groups dealing with land and home opportunities. Its tough to look for something like that on the internet.

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