
Does anyone know where I can sell or donate breast milk? ?

by  |  earlier

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I have a ton of milk and often have 12-16 oz of milk...even afterward. Yes, I certainly freeze but I dont have a deep freezer, and even with bags its a tight squeeze for anything in my frigdes, freezer....I would love to donate as well to those with an ill child etc......I can pass a drug and illness screening, so where do I start?




  1. Contact your local La Leche League.  They will even come and pick it up for you.

  2. Try contacting the NICU of a local hospital. If they can't take it they may be able to point you in the right direction!

  3. I suggest you look into a national milk bank. The milk is screened and donated to babies that need it because they are premature or sick. Milk cannot be sold, only donated so if you do have the extra milk I'm sure there are a lot of mothers out there who would love to have it for their babies.  

  4. Do you serve straight from the tap as well?

  5. who donotes breast milk eeewwww put an ad on craigslist im sure you will get some takers lol

  6. I think it is awesome that you are willing to donate your milk!! I would start at thre hosital call and ask if they know any resources!! My grandma was a smoker while she was pregnant and breastfeeding (yes I know really really bad) and she was over producing her milk and had informed the hospital of this!! Well a baby was born to a mother that abonded her right after and the baby was nicotine addicted so they asked my grandma to pump for this baby!! I thought it was a pretty neat story!! Best of luck and thanks for doing such a great thing!!

  7. umm... why would u want to sell ur breast milk. mothers give THEIR OWN child the milk. wouldnt that hurt the baby if they were to have someone else's milk other than their mothers?

  8. Call the hospital!

    I'm glad you decide to help other babies.

    your a good person,

    Good luck.

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