
Does anyone know where I could buy medicine for under active thyroid without prescription?

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The reason for this is because I seem to not be able to lose weight despite of very low calorie diet and regular excercise, I had thyroid test and it came back within norm but just on the verge with underactive, but because its within norm I will not get prescription for thyroxine which is really frustrating.




  1. You can't buy actual medication for this without - however, thyroid replacement such as synthroid is really relatively cheap.  

  2. Don't be fooled by the medication.  People who under active thyroid and placed on medication (me!) do not necessarily lose the weight.  I was put on it about 12 years ago - they start you gradually and it is in the first week that you will lose the most weight. I lost about 5 kilos.  After that, you have to lose it the old fashion way.  And just because you are on medication it is not easier to lose (despite what the doctor says).  Read about weight lose on the Thyroid websites.  You will notice a lot of the talk is about trying to lose weight and how the doctors have no idea how difficult it is despite the medication.

  3. I would as at the drug store.  

  4. Mexico, most prescription drugs do not require a script  

  5. Check here:

    You can find it.

    Good luck!

  6. Your grandma's medicine cabinet?  

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