
Does anyone know where I could buy vegan goggles? Or if all goggles are vegan?

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Ok I know tallow or stearic acid or something is used in rubber and there is rubber used in the goggle straps, right?? Well I need some new goggles and I need some vegan or at least vegetarian ones. Help??!!




  1. this are the ones I found but this site has many more things that are vegan friendly I am not vegan just heard about this site

  2. Good grief..Just do not wear any at all. Don;t wear clothes either because you are probably wearing non vegan or non vegetarian clothes..

    You've got to be kidding me. Vegetarians and vegans even avoid non food items because they might be made of leather or rubber or something...Goodness...

  3. good grief... I sure hope you aren't wearing makeup or leather tennies either.

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