
Does anyone know where I left my car keys?

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Does anyone know where I left my car keys?




  1. check every where u have been since ur last drive. even the refridgerater! retrace ur steps and make sure u look in all the tiny places. it is probably right in front of ur face u just arent seeing them

  2. the last place you put them.

  3. In the pocket of the clothes you wore yesterday.


    the first place you went to when you came home last.

    beside the fridge,  near the electric jug, on the sofa,


    maybe your keys eloped with the TV remote.  

    Good luck finding them.

  4. in your car door?

  5. in your car, in the kitchen, on the counter?

  6. in the vegetable crisper

  7. check the ignition

  8. Under the cushion

  9. The Shadow knows. Also, the person who just drove it away...

  10. Is there a house key on them, maybe they are in the front door.

    I loose mine all the time :(

  11. Probably in the same place that I left mine, lol.  That is why I have a spare set.

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