
Does anyone know where can i obtain true horror/paranormal dvds?

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Im very interested in true paranormal or horror documentaries or movies in malaysia. do anyone know of any dvds on sale or anyone wants to sell theirs .. mainly true experiences and happenings of paranormal activities /ghostly activities haunting homes /buildings/worksites etc exorcism/ pontianak, toyol, hantu raya, penunggu etc- has to be real captured in video.




  1. I doubt there are such things.You'll be able to find videos that say they're true.You'll have to suspend your credibility to believe them.Good question though,I'm always looking myself.I've scoured the paranormal friendly sites and found nothing.Try the link below they're loosely affiliated with the AAAS.They've been studying the paranormal for 40 years.If they have nothing,what hope do we have?

  2. You can find horror DVDs, but none of them will be true.  The best collection of "true" (wink, wink) paranormal videos is YouTube.

  3. Uh you kind of scare me. But I do not look at the paranormal as "Horror." I look at it as trying to understand a mix between science and religion. I also do not think most paranormal videos are authentic or realistic.

    And WTF is a movie from Malaysia? What do they make snuff films there?

  4. Well, I've always been a fan of the ones on the Discovery Channel. Maybe if you go to their website...

  5. Ed Gein

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre (based on Ed Gein)

    The Amityville Horror

  6. all over the web try searching paranormal movies

  7. you can't find any true ones, because paranormal activity is a load of bull s**t. you can however find plenty of fake ones, because they are all 100% fake

  8. The problem is that it is very hard to prove something is real on a video. While it can be determined whether or not the film has been photoshopped,or edited etc. It is impossible to tell if the people on the film are actors or whether its genuine reactions to a situation.

    Also, as you have probably found out, there is very little (if any) verified photography or videography of paranormal events anywhere in the world, little alone limitting it to Malaysia.

    But there are a few places you can go to look for documentaries on "true stories":

    First check out SCI-FI and SPACE channel websites. If you search, you can often find the webpages where you can purchase the programs they air on TV.

    Also, check out local TV stations, and National TV stations to find paranormal segments in their broadcasting as well. Again, for a small fee they will send you a copy.

    Also, you could check YouTube. Its definitely NOT a source of reliable information, but you never know, you might find something that would catch your attention. In specific try looking up excorcisms performed in a church in Russia. It was on many European news casts. I watched it - very interesting and disturbing.

    I hope that helps. :)

    (PS: Amityville Horror was not a true story. The original producers of the movie advertised it as such to increase sales. you can research that on the net as well)

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