
Does anyone know where i can buy a telly on poor credit ie gauranteed finance?

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Does anyone know where i can buy a telly on poor credit ie gauranteed finance?




  1. Sweetheart - don't get into more debt - save up and buy a cheap second hand one - 'Cut your coat according to your cloth' is a wise saying! You may even get a free one if you put a card in the window of your local shop - we recently gave away a decent tv when we upgraded, and I'm sure lots of others do the same. Try the recycling sites on the web too. Good luck!

  2. If you mean a phone?  You can get a voip on a debit card.

  3. There is a company called Bright house from what i have heard they give anyone credit.

  4. bright house say you can

  5. bright house (according to the advert)

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