
Does anyone know where i can buy bullfrog tadpoles?

by Guest66617  |  earlier

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ive been wanting a tadpole forever, and i cant seem to find one that comes with a tank and supplies. anybody have any idea?




  1. the easist way would be just to go to a pond or lake and find some, there may still be a few tadpoles this late into summer, but you might have a hard time as most of them have probably allready turned. The thing with tadpoles is that it is hard to tell what species a tadpole is, most, if not all states in America have laws against selling animals that are found native to that state, so pet stores typically avoid them all together to avoid confusion and getting in trouble with the law.

  2. at petstores you cant find bullfrog tade poles only green fog tade poles .  gren fros are basicly bullfrogs but smaller eat less are quieter and wont keep you awake all night and only females drown birds! HOW PLEASNT!!!!!!

  3. ive seen tadpoles (big ones) at walmart, dont know what kind they are though... try also petsmart or petco

  4. go to the closest creek that has running water and there will be plenty. even though its late in the summer it really doesnt matter because most  bullfrogs have tadpoles later in the year

  5. PJ Pets :D They have good ones :D

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