
Does anyone know where i can by midwakh/dokha in the uk?

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Having been many times to Abu Dhabi as a good friend of mine lives there, i started smoking the common tobacco over there called midwakh but now that i am in the uk i have not found anywhere to buy it. Does anyone know of a website or shop that i could purchase it from?




  1.  Try UK based Dokha vendor -


    They sell their own blends and also sell other Dokha brands



  2.  I Sell dokha molooki if ur interested call me 07821163612

  3. I Have 2 Big Bottles But i gave one to my brother i could hook you up with the baki and a old pipe if you want but it will cos you man

  4. I Have 2 Big Bottles But i gave one to my brother i could hook you up with the baki and a old pipe if you want but it will cos you man

  5. It is getting very difficult to get dokha out of the UAE, as they are now starting to strictly enforce the new anti-tobacco law passed last January. They will take it away from you at the airport, and if you admit that you are trying to mail some, they will take your package from you. in the US seems to be a good source. Just search 'smoke dokha' on YouTube, and there are tons of reviews of their service and dokha blends.

  6. order from here

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