
Does anyone know where i can do a ECDL Courses in Cork city?

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Ive looked on line and there doesn't seem to be any in the city, just Dublin and Sligo.




  1. I think all the centres open to the public are on the ECDL website (which I assume is where you looked). I'd ask a local college IT or careers department for advice. They might tell you where you can do it or suggest a different qualification (CLAIT or something? I dunno.) which would suit you. Another option (worked for me with ECDL Advanced) is studying at home (college may lend you the materials) and just travelling to a college to take the test.

  2. im doing it now and learning a lot

    try your local college or education centers

    you can do this by phone or the internet

  3. Fas in Bishopstown maybe?

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