
Does anyone know where i can download songs from Al Turath al Iraqi, Falesteeni, and Orduni??

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i really want to put these songs but everything on the Internet is just reading about them p.s. sorry i put it in the Ramadan catagory but i need Arab to see it:)




  1. Limewire

  2. You need to go to Arabic  Music Web Site and buy the songs you need.

  3. i thought music was harram in Islam.

  4. I know but I am not in a mood to do more sins today

  5. Why would you spread this? Why don't you just post recitations of the Qur'aan.

    It is no wonder that the Ulemaa have said that Increasing in Anaasheed is a sign of Hizbiyyah. Just wasting people's time by calling them to revolutions and away from the Sunnah.

    Islaamic Nasheed

    Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan

    Reference: Majallatut-Da’wah No: 1632. 7th Dhul-Qa’dah 1418 A.H. Corresponding to 5th March 1998

    Category: Contemporary Issues

    A considerable amount of discussion has taken place with regards to ‘Islaamic Nasheeds’; some have given a formal, legal opinion of it being permissible, whilst others hold them to be an alternative to music. What is your opinion with regards to the above, your eminence?

    The phrase ‘Islaamic Nasheeds’ is incorrect, because it is a newly invented phrase. Hence, for this reason there are no such things [known as] ‘Islaamic Nasheeds’ in the books of the pious predecessors, and from the rulings of those who are considered and relied upon to be from amongst the people of knowledge.

    Rather what is well known is that the Sufis [1] are the ones who have accommodated and incorporated these ‘Islaamic Nasheeds’ into their Deen, and they name this Deen of theirs as (السماع) ‘As Samaa’[2].

    In this day and age, when different parties & groups have arisen and increased, this has resulted in all these groups & parties adopting their own fanatical zealous anthems which they have named as ‘Islaamic Nasheeds’. This labelling of ‘Islaamic Nasheeds’ has no authenticity or soundness [in our Deen]. Therefore, it is not permissible to accept these Nasheeds or to circulate and promote them amongst the people.

    Allaah is the possessor of all prosperity & success.

    [1] For a detailed case study on the history of Sufism & their heretic beliefs refer to the English translation of the book ‘The reality of Sufism’ by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Rabee’ ibn Haadee Almadhkhalee, published by Alhidaayah, Birmingham, U.K. [TN]

    [2] A gathering of Sufis who listen & chant songs [with music] about Allaah, [TN]

  6. Limewire???

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