
Does anyone know where i can find a blue hibiscus, rose, and tulip?

by Guest59969  |  earlier

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Does anyone know where i can find a blue hibiscus, rose, and tulip?




  1. Home Depot or Lowes if thats the name.

  2. Hi, you didn't say where you are in the world, so I'll just give general suggestions:

    Alyogyne huegelii (blue hibiscus) is fairly easy to find, try your local garden center. If they don't have it, ask if they can speical order it in for you.

    Roses are found everywhere. Any good garden center will have a ton to choose from. They will be in 1 gallons or 5 gallons, most likely. If you get them in the winter, they will be bare root. If you want a specific one, look on the internet and place an order for it.

    Tulips are bulbs and are out of season now. You get these in October or November and, again, they are easy to find. If you want a very specific one, look on the internet and place your order now and they will ship when appropriate.

    Good luck.

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