
Does anyone know where i can find discipline techniques for my preschool class?

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Does anyone know where i can find discipline techniques for my preschool class?




  1. Find a book by Becky Bailey, There's got to be a better way: Discipline that works.  It talks about using natural consequences.  It is a really good book.  I use a lot of natural discipline in my class.  If a child throws a toy, I have them pick it up.  Then I ask them what they can throw?  I make sure there is something in the class that is acceptable to throw. I made yarn "pom-poms" to throw.  If a child spills something, they get a paper towel and clean it up.  This does not hurt their self-esteem like some discipline can.  If a child is not acting right, I remove them from the situation.  I put them in a safe spot (not time out), and say when you are ready to... for instance... sit at circle time, then you can get up.  Or when you are all done being angry, you can get up.  This usually works, but the younger they are, you might have to keep putting them in the safe spot, til they calm down.  Good luck.

    Love and Logic books are great too.

  2. there is always different ways to handle a situation and depending on your philosophy.  Check out different websites to help you out... maybe if you where a little more specific with the issues that you are having i could personally help :)

    one of the best books that i have ever read was "How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk"  by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

  3. I've used a few techniques from the book Teaching with Love and Logic...They have a website  

    Check your local library...I find that disclining/guidance is a popular topic in the parent/teacher section of the library.

    You might have better luck with answers if you have a specific behavior you are trying to get a handle on.

  4. If it is a conflict regarding another child- not sharing, hitting, etc... I use conflict resolution.

    First-You ask each child what happened.

    then ask each how did that make you feel?

    Then what else could you have done so you could both be happy.

    If they don't know then you can make suggestions.

    This is a great way to discipline because you get long term results- if lets them think of solutions and helps them voice their feelings.

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