
Does anyone know where i can find jobs that i can do in my spare time somthin like envelope filling or somthin

by  |  earlier

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i am looking to take on a spare time job to earn extra cash, while working at home, i work full time during the day/

i have been looing all week for something along the lines of envelope filling for agencies etc but have had no luck any one know off or any ideas where i can find this sort of job




  1. Envelope filling is a no-no, it is so hard to find a reputable company - most will charge you for materials and you will never make your money back. Envelope filling was popular years ago because there wasn't the technology to do this by machinery - nowadays most companies have machines where it fills the envelope, franks it and addresses it all in one go so there is no need to send this work out to people at home, which gives the company higher delivery costs etc.

    Be very wary of any company offering you good money to do this at home, it very nearly always is too good to be true.

  2. Try out on and also please lemme know if you come across one. Give it a try there's nothing wrong doing it. adios

  3. Envelope filling NO!!! Stay well clear, 99% of them will rip you off, if you must go ahead with it then DO NOT hand over any cash for "admin fees" or "materials"

  4. i would advise against envelope filling it takes a very long time to do it and they pay is terrible

  5. telemarketing,  get with company who wants you to call others for sales ,or represent them

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