
Does anyone know where i can find the British populations I.Q. Scale?

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Need to view the pops I.Q results on a chart of some form.




  1. Well I would suggest contacting MENSA but now I wonder if such a thing is available.

    I mean IQ testing is not done as a matter of course. So far as I know there is no compulsory testing.

    MENSA is the only organisation I know of who would be testing large numbers of people

  2. it´s sooooo light, it evaporates!! difficult to spot it and measure it! PLEASE consider the humour before u thumb me down :)

  3. I agree, it may not be available.  Mensa would be an unreliable source, since only people seeking entrance to Mensa take their tests.

    But: an accurate IQ test (and there are lots of arguments over whether such a thing exists) is supposed to use 100 as the 'normal' score.  I would expect any countries population, in a properly configured test, to be 100 on average.  It's a self perpetuating thing: the score IS what the population's intelligence SAYS IT IS, if you get my drift.

    From the 100 score, I would expect some form of normal bell curve to distribute the rest of the population according to intelligence.

  4. It is in the form of a classic Bell curve.

    Descriptive Classifications of Intelligence Quotients


    IQ: Description: % of Population

    130+ Very superior 2.2%

    120-129 Superior 6.7%

    110-119 High average 16.1%

    90-109 Average 50%

    80-89 Low average 16.1%

    70-79 Borderline 6.7%

    Below 70 Extremely low 2.2%

    The second link has a graph -

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