
Does anyone know where i can hire a Witch or Sorcerer for the purposes of casting a spell or hex?

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Ive looked through yellow pages and there are no witches, sorcerers, voodoo specialists or ju-ju experts listed.

Im urgently in need of the services of the above and wondered if any of you lovely people knew one or actually are one.

Many thanks in advance.




  1. Just broadcast that you're willing to part with your money and they'll be crawling out of the woodwork.

    Get a grip of yourself and look for mundane ('normal') ways to sort out your problem(s) before you resort to spells.


    Eternals Blissyღ, I am a Witch and am not governed by The Wiccan Rede or The Threefold Law.  Witches are by not bound to obey either.  This is a Wiccan belief.  Such beliefs depend entirely on the individual.  As has already been stated, one doesn't even have to be a Witch to be a Wiccan!

    Edit 2:

    Eternals Blissyღ, I appreciate what you say.  It is most important to get the whole picture when someone is asking you to do something for them ... particularly when you've no real idea of what is being requested.  Sadly, reading a few articles on the internet rarely gives you the full facts of things that need to be taken into account.  I appreciate your honesty and integrity though.  Peace be with you.

    P.S. One of the thumbs down was NOT from me ... nor was the other. lol.

  2. sure i'd like to make a few easy bucks

  3. Magic is an application of the will, or "will made manifest". As such, a spell is far more potent when cast upon someone who believes in what they are doing. Thus, it is highly unlikely that a hex cast towards a random stranger (from the caster's point of view) would have any effect, even were you to find someone willing to direct that sort of energy on your behalf.

    Then again, you could get lucky.

    Good luck!


    @ Eternals Blissy

    The Wiccan Rede and Threefold Law are what guide -Wiccans- (and not even all groups of Wiccans). Witches are by no means bound to obey either. Such beliefs depend entirely on the individual. Not all Witches are Wiccans, cripes, one does not even have to be a Witch to be a Wiccan!

  4. *cough*


  5. The Wiccan Rede is the rule of conduct that all witches must follow while practising witchcraft. It rules that a witch may engage in any action, as long as it is carefully considered, and their actions harm nobody, including themselves. Witchcraft is ruled by the Threefold Law, which is the belief that any action taken by any witch that affects another person, will come back to the witch threefold, whether it be harm or good.

    I am not sure what you are seeking.  There may not be a right answer for you.  Maybe what you THINK you may need is actually not feasible.  Maybe you should explain why you need a ju-ju expert or witch/wiccan/warlock/sorcerer/voodoo specialist etc.  Then you can be pointed in the right direction.

    Grrr Aurrgh

    Edit-Mick I am not pagan nor am I wiccan.  I tried to answer his question with info I found online.

    I still think this person needs to explain a bit more detailed what exactly he is looking for.  Maybe what he needs is a Priest or Batman.  nodnodnod

    Edit-Thank you for your kind words.  My ex was wiccan, did tarot and saw peoples 'colours'.  I have been gifted with the ability to see auras which personally I do not want nor need.  I find it horrible to focus on people talking to me sometimes.  I cannot say I do not believe or there is no such thing as witches pagans or wicca because there are many unexplainable things in this world.  But a bit more detail would have been helpful.  

    Merry Met =)

  6. Best to ask around, although if it's a bad hex or spell you want casting be careful, it will backfire and karma will hit. If it's for good and will harm no one then good look. Otherwise re-think your situation, there must be another way to solve it. :)

  7. BadBeast do it for Crisps and Fizzy Pop.

    Or a "Best Answer"  10pts ?

    Bury details in your Garden at Midnight, and My Underground Agent will

    be in touch.

    God Bless.  

  8. Your talking my language now friend! message me the details and i'll get back to you

  9. Just cast it yourself.  

    By the way, most witches won't do hexes.

  10. If you want to do a hex then stop looking for a witch for one. And if the spell you want done is anything to harm someone take them off your list too because a witch won't do that for you either. Only black witches, which aren't really witches at all, will do that kind of thing.

  11. i would do it for you but i dont do hexes and im pretty sure thats what your looking for

    try this web site and do it your self:

  12. There are lots of Witches everywhere, sweetie-dahling, but the ethical ones won't typically do work for others for money, which means if you find someone who WILL do it, they are typically the unethical ones. So lemme do a little psychic digging. I'm hearing you are afraid of someone else who is trying to get you fired from your job and you think attacking them first will stop them. But dahling, you KNOW this person won't stop. This is a battle without an end - a hex will only p**s them off worse and next time they'll bring more guns. Try this instead: visualize yourself completely covered head to foot in plate mail armor that has a mirror finish, and anything being thrown at you bounces off and returns to the person who sent it. Do that visualization several times a day every day. Also put a pot of rosemary at your front door for protection. See? No hex necessary, and hopefully the threat ends. Good luck to you! Hugs and blessings! ~MorningStar

  13. pmsl! okay you cant hire someone to do a hex for you have you ever heard of the 3 fold law? ...Mind the Threefold Law you should,

    Three times bad and three times good. ... means whatever you do unto others will come back to you 3 times more wether it be good or bad .

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