
Does anyone know where i can watch the full alien landing video? i just want to check it out.

by  |  earlier

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  1. I saw the whole thing on line. It starts with them running to the ufo. Then they go back home. Then the aliens come in the house. It is just them screaming at each other in between. I wish I could remember the site it was on. I know it was youtube I saw it on. I just don't remember what the video was called. All I know is that this video is fake. I have seen a lot of fake video's that look more real then this one. I don't know who this so called expert is, but he doesn't know what he is talking about. They also kill one of the aliens in the video at the end. The "expert" said he has seen a lot of dead aliens, and they all look just like that. Where do they find these people. Do they relay think we are that stupid.

  2. e.t. phone home.

  3. is that real?

  4. lmfao no such thing

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