
Does anyone know where my house keys are?

by  |  earlier

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I seemed to have misplaced them




  1. Mine tend to hide under something like the mail.

    Or on my desk where I should never put them.

    Or they may be on the bookshelf, or the piano - or perhaps by the phone?

    Do let us know. And if you see my eyeglasses . . .  

  2. Flying monkeys must have taken them. They are attracted to shiny objects you know.

  3. no

  4. Tyr another jacket or pair of trousers - my favourite trick.

  5. Inside that odd sock you always find in the washing machine

  6. you should ask people where you have put it there ask no one here does not know your house ask people  

  7. Only the Shadow knows,but try praying to St. Anthony of Padua ,the patron saint of lost items  

  8. have you tried the fridge?

    in your partners pocket?

    in the couch?

    on the kitchen bench?

    in the pocket of the clothes you just chucked in the dirty-clothes basket?

    they always seem to hide useful things i lose lol

  9. I have searched the whole hose and they are not here, you must have left them someplace else.

  10. In the jacket you had on last night. It's on the back of the chair.

  11. the couch probably ate them  

  12. most likely on a counter or in the couch

  13. look in your butt

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