
Does anyone know where people on here get off making up these terrible stories just to get a rise?

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out of people? I mean these people are cruel, some of these situations happen to real people and they use it as a joke to get a rise, I think it is truly terrible that people who have sad things happening in their life, Like kids that need kidney transplants, have to look at these questions that are jokes, like it is funny to that there are sick children. It makes me so upset. Is it just me or does it make other people want to find then and slap them across the face?




  1. You know Nik, I feel the say way. I have a dear friend who is going through h**l right now.........dealing with life and death issues. These people are really lacking any compassion for "real" life people and it makes my blood boil. It is not amusing and hardly entertaining. I really think that they lack empathy.......which is a very serious character flaw.

  2. I always read their previous questions to see if they are lying first if it sounds like a lie. I couldn't call someone a liar if I don't know them you know what I mean. but questions that are really obvious like one I read yestaurday about a guy wanted his son to start smoking to become a real man I was like are you kidding me but other than that I can't point the finger unless I know for sure.

  3. Oh I know and I even saw a question on here that they said their daughter is always being mistaken for Jonbenet, and they posted pics and I don't know it really did look like the real jonbenet to me, so who knows, but that poor little girl suffered, and I don't think its right to post it, I mean yeah if your kid really does, then great, but I am pretty sure the pics were of the real girl.

    No Nina I believe that she is referring to someone who said that their stepson needed a liver transplant but she didn't want his father, her husband, to be a donor, cuz she didn't want to lose him.

  4. I completely agree, I literally just read that question with my jaw dropped the entire time.

    People are sick!

    I would love to go slap around a few with ya ;)

    Nina-it wasnt to your question if you look back there is a question about someone who was married for 3 years and the husband had a child from a previous marriage who needed a transplant and the wife was threatening to leav him if he wanted to do it, because she could lose them.'

    Thats in short.

  5. I can't believe it myself!  I posted a few questions how to deal with the upcoming death of a few people in my family and the one person said that I was making it up and that she hoped my whole family would die.  My father has Hep-C from tainted cocaine needles when he was younger, his father (85) has cancer AGAIN and won't get chemo and his mom (83) has an anyerism in her stomach region and fell on her foot with no feeling which will have to be amputated, but both operations will kill her and if she doesn't get them she's going to die too!  Not to mention I'm 37 weeks pregnant and have a stressful time with that, but thinking that within the next 6 months I have THREE funerals to go to.  I'm sick of people on here so much!  I sent the biggest email to yahoo about this person and I haven't seen them since, so maybe that worked.

  6. It depends on the circumstances.  If a person has a firend who was raped and secretly thinks the friend asked for it, they can pretend they were that person to see how people will respond to get a guage on things.  Or, they'll pretend something someone else did to them was something they did to someone else - maybe theyw ant to see what others think of their justifications.  It would make sense if they said, "Here's what happened to me, here's what so-and-so did.  was it justified?"

  7. id love to get my hands on all them ppl for a couple days. They really get under my skin.

  8. I just try to think of it as- one day this will come back and bite them in the ***.

    But yes, slapping them across the face does cross my mind.  :)

    Or just beating them with a stick- haha, just kiddin

  9. I don't take anything i read on here too seriously.  

  10. I really hope you aren't referring to my recent question.  I don't see any others here that mention kidney transplants but I could have overlooked it/them (I did do an advanced search using the word kidney and don't see any other open questions).  If by chance you are, my situation is very real.  My husband was recently diagnosed w/ polycystic kidney disease which is a hereditary condition.  I wasn't trying to get a rise out of anyone, just hoping for others thoughts and opinions.  If you weren't referring to my question, I apologize for getting defensive.

    MoMmY to Brody & Dear Gaby:  Thank you for clearing that up   : )

    Thank you Nik.  : )

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