
Does anyone know where the drive for five slogan came from?

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I do and, it is incredibly retarded. I just watched the movie for the first time tonight and I have to say all the Gordon fans who repeated this slogan will feel retarded at its origin. 10 points to the first person who knows the movie.




  1. I am not sure if this is what you mean, but 'Lakers '87: The Drive for Five'.

  2. It was the New York Islander hockey team: 1980,81,82,83. 1984 they lost the "drive for 5"; before that it was "go 4 it"; "hat trick-3peat" & "repeat". What a great team; I went to many of those games in the Nassau Coliseum!

    I think 1984 precedes all the other answers. Link below is the first listed on a Yahoo search.

  3. The drive for five most likely would have nothing to do with its original usage. Its simply what Jeff Gordon, his team & his fans have coined for his journey towards a (hopefully) 5th Cup Championship.

  4. well, except for the ripoff known the chase for the championship where they take away points earned and reset them to ensure "playoff excitement", Jeff's lame drive for five slogan copy would have died in 2004.

  5. I've always thought it was for 5 championships.

  6. I'd venture to say it was probably a line in "3: the Dale Earnhardt Story."

  7. "The Dukes of Hazzard". The movie. Billy Prickett in The Boars Nest.

  8. isn't it for the five championships... drive to get another championship = 5?

  9. 24 x 24 Jeff Gordon

  10. Ummm , he's going for his fifth championship and it rhymes. It's probably been said thousands of times in all kinds of scenarios. Any attempt to try and connect this phrase to anything negative or durragatory is simply ignorant!!

  11. he won 4 championships and is trying for 5, hence the drive for 5

  12. oh what was it 10 years ago when gordon said that or something lol

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