
Does anyone know where to get yellow and brown mustard seed to be used in homemade mustard in Boston, MA area

by Guest33457  |  earlier

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I am searching for yellow and brown mustard seed in the Boston, MA area so that I can make homemade mustard. Whole Foods and Williams Sonoma do not have it. Does anyone know of a store?




  1. Try a store that sell Indian foods they will have both and black mustard seeds to for making whole grain or grainy mustards, yellow is easier to find, in some Hispanic store or in a place were they sell supplies for pickling, even some place that sells spices and food in bulk were you fill your own bag.

    I am a former chef and live in Toronto Canada and we have an abundant number of those type of stores and I have all 3 types of mustard seeds and mustard oil in my pantry.

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