
Does anyone know where to go to get student aid ? I have a grant but it doesn't cover all expenses.?

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I start school next month and all the grant covers is my classes.




  1. You go to the financial aid office at your school and ask to take out a student loan, but I would really avoid loans unless its a choice of going or not.  Consider getting a part time job and moving in with the folks to save money.

  2. People are right when they say goto the financial aid office at school, they are wrong when they say you need a student loan (you may or may not).  Talk to someone at the finacial aid office about your options.  There are grants (other than just the PELL grant you are recieving), scholarships, loans, stipends, work study, book loans, etc.  Depending on your major you will find alot of different scholarships and options, for example future teachers who borrow federal perkins loans dont have to pay them back (provided they work as a teacher after they graduate).

    Loans are  a big responsibility, kind of a last resort.  Goto school and see if you cant dig something else up.

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