
Does anyone know where to purchase a left handed mountain bike?

by  |  earlier

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I am a left handed person, so when I get off a bike i'm on the other side of the kickstand. Though not a dramatic problem, I am looking for a new bicycle and would perfer the kickstand to be on the side i get off on (the right). Also i'm natrually inclined to use the front break, which has cause me to fly foward a number of times.




  1. never heard of a left handed bike. but it is possible to make one on the left side especially if you buy the $2000+ bikes.

    your brake problem, just flip the brake handle(or the cables) so your left  hand uses the back brake and your right hand for the front brake. it is very easy to do

  2. Good answers above, but I've never heard of a left-handed bike. Now left handed cigarrettes....

  3. 1st. where do u get your weed

    2nd. when u buy a new bike from ur local bike store ask them to swap over the brake/gears to the opposite side and same with the stand simple.

  4. Here is something I used to do. you don't need a kick stand if you park our bike wheels up. Use the seat and handle bars

    as a tripod.

    For breaks Adjust the cable on the left a little looser or like the other guy said switch them around but right or left . . .

    squeeze too hard and your gonna go flying.

  5. i have never heard of a left handed bike i think its like the left handed s***w driver.  the kickstand is on the side it is becauseof the chain and sprocket.  the kickstand would get in the way.  as for the brake problem swap the the cables its relatively easy if you have cable lines which im sure you do because if you had a bike that had hydraluic disk brakes there wouldnt be a place to mount the kickstand.  my friend did that to his bike but because he broke his hand and couldnt squeeze hard enough on the back wheel with it

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