
Does anyone know where you can file contempt of court paperwork without involving or paying for a lawer

by  |  earlier

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for the state of california? my local courthouse's family law division told me i have to go through and attourney but i thought you could do it without one? please help.




  1. You can always represent yourself in any court. The clerks can try to dissuade you from doing so, bu they can't stop you. They can reject your pleadings if they are not completed properly, and you should understand the defendant may win and you could wind up paying his/her lawyer's fees, as well as any other penalty for not following the statutes and rules properly.

  2. In many states (I don't know about California), one has to be a judge to file a contempt of court petition.

    You may petition the court to do it, but only a judge can issue the citation.

    Check with your jurisdiction's court.

  3. Can't be done without a lawyer. Sorry.

  4. You would have to file a contempt petition with the court.  Tell them you are a pro se Petitioner.  They may have a form you can fill out, if not try your legal aid office.

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