
Does anyone know where you can find real life birthing tapes?

by  |  earlier

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I have heard before that you can get real life birthing tapes to watch so you can see what all goes on to kind of prepare you? do you know where to find these?




  1. the doctors office should have some for you to borrow, but to be honest you shouldnt watch one because my sister was pregnant and she watched one and she was scared out of her mind and ended up getting a C-section

  2. You can see plenty of real births on

    I enjoy the TLC show "A baby story". It censors what you see, but you get the idea.

  3. There are tons on youtube.  That's where I made my decision to do a homebirth.  Until I saw what a homebirth was like I had no idea that birth could be so calm and beautiful.  The hospital births were pretty much all chaotic, medicalized and traumatic.  It was really eye opening.

  4. I'm sure u can just go to youtube ad search them I have foun videos of waterbirths too!

  5. YOU TUBE!!!!! They have all sorts on there and they're free :D!!!

  6. I know they have them somewhere because a friend had one years ago! in the mena time go to and watch them there. I am having a csection(again) and wanted to see what was going on when they did it. I found it there!

  7. If you want to you can ask your doctor but there are plenty of videos on youtube that aren't censored.  Also there are shows on TLC called "bringing home baby" and "a baby story" that shows the births.  There is gonna be a new show on TLC about OB/GYNS that will likely show births on there too. You might be able to google it and find lots as well. Congrats and best of luck!

  8. You can ask family members, ask the hospital, look on UTube, places like that. Best of luck!

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