
Does anyone know whether it is true or not that the AFL are starting up their own.........?

by  |  earlier

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........netball competition?

I heard that, during the off season, all clubs were entering a netball team as it was considered most players were suited to playing that sport. I wonder if they will wear skirts and bibs.

Does anyone know?





  1. that sounds good for fitness levels hey, have you seen those girls work.  not sure about the skirts etc, shorts would be fine, they could put it on tv too.

    maybe i could get a game, they could play against Sharon strezleki off Kath and Kim. the afl come up with some good ideas if this one is true.

  2. I don't know whether it is true or not but if it is I'm sure Collingwood would win.

    I'm sure many of our players should be playing that game now rather than football. They would be more suited to it.

  3. i am not sure of it is true or not but many afl teams have been training with netballers so it could be possible

    i think clollingwood is training with melbourne

  4. Yes, I heard the same story.

    But I disagree with a previous answerer in here. I don't think many of the current Collingwood squad would be able to compete against most women in netball.

  5. I consider it a bit offensive to pick on netball. I have always found it a great sport -some of those games between Australia and New Zealand have been incredible, and draw a bigger crowd than a rugby league game (although I must admit that wouldn't be hard).

    Having watchedmy daughter play netball and my son play AFL I have actually seen similarities between the sports (and soccer) - both switch play constantly and work towards finding a free player. I have these games require great skills and technique, which are lacking in the bash and barge of rugby.

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