
Does anyone know which way the runways at san francisco airport face?

by  |  earlier

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i was just wondering as 2 examples if planes coming for the pacific can apprach without turning or if planes from the east can aaproch directly from the north or if they have to turn before approaching




  1. I've flown on over 50 flights from Asia into SFO and on every occasion except one time we've flown south towards San Jose where the plane makes a u-turn and flies up the bay in a northerly direction before landing. The planes usually will approach the Bay Area somehwere in Marin County and travel in a southerly direction from there, but not always. I've flown directly over the Golden Gate Bridge a few times and have come in over the Peninsula more than a few times, but almost everytime we've headed south and made an almost 180 degree turn and approached the airport from the south heading north.

  2. This may will answer your question

  3. Yea mate, towards the sky!

  4. San Francisco has runways facing roughly east and west, and runways facing roughly north and south.  The actual runway used for landing will usually depend on wind and traffic patterns, as well as the direction from which an aircraft approaches.  Most coastal areas (and indeed most parts of the world) have a wind from the west more often than from any other direction, and since aircraft like to take off and land into the wind, this means that the runways facing west are the ones that are used most often, irrespective of the direction from which an aircraft approaches the airport.

  5. Hmm Im not sure about that but I can help point you to:

    Along with the Flightaware you can track the routing of flights.

    There are a list of Standard Terminal Arrivals that show how flights arrive into SFO.

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