JGsales, ammunitiontogo, and a few others where I normally go to for these has dropped them from there site. I know once JGsales drops something from there site it almost never comes back and ammuntiontogo usually gets stuff back in stock but I don't know with a higher price tag and it does take them awhile.
What other sites still have it in stock? I mean I they all still have the hotshot but I have never tried that and this kinda is scaring me off: http://www.surplusrifleforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=53527&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
I mean I know it was imported by century... I wan't the stuff sealed so I don't touch it unless I have too...
But I'd like them sealed in tins for long term storage. I do my best to store this stuff when not sealed like this (ammo cans, dessicants, inside in a closet away from an exterior wall, I never touch them unless using them same day, etc..)