
Does anyone know why Fred and Cathy left 104.9 Clear FM in Vancouver?

by Guest60850  |  earlier

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Does anyone know why Fred and Cathy left 104.9 Clear FM in Vancouver?




  1. No

  2. Staight from the horses mouths:

    <<Hi, I’m David Larsen, Program Director at 104.9 Clear FM. Fred & Cathy are in Maui and wanted to pass along this message to all listeners of the latre-morning show:

    “Cathy and I would like to sincerely thank all of our listeners who have been with us over the years, especially those new folks who gave us a shot on CLEAR FM, and let you know our plans regarding our future. We are very pleased to have been a part of the startup of a new station and consider it to be one of the highlights of our careers. That goes for the team we worked with at the station both “on air” and behind-the-scenes people. They always made us feel welcome and valued. There has never been any conflict with management or anyone else at CLEAR. In fact quite the contrary. CLEAR’s people always listened to our suggestions and often followed them, and we were always glad to get their feedback.”

    “We want to make it perfectly clear (no pun intended) that Cathy and I have NOT retired and both of us look forward to contributing in other ways to the station and of course to you, the listener. We have simply chosen to make a lifestyle change. Our departure was handled in a mutually agreed upon way so as to entertain and not bog down in a lot of goodbyes.”

    “This is not a goodbye, more of an au revoir. We’ll be listening to our friends on CLEAR FM and hope you will be too… it’s been fun. Thanks for everything.”


    Fred & Cathy>>

    -a guy named duh

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