
Does anyone know why McCain picked a running mate who pays a bounty for wolf killing?

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I don't understand the man....I can understand that he wanted a female on the ticket, but the Gov. of Alaska pays a bounty for the legs of just makes me sick.




  1. Why don't you do a little thinking before you ask ignorant questions?  Wolves are over polpulated and they are vastly reducing the number of other animals in Alaska.  You have to have a balance.  The problem with protected animals (and I don't disagree with that, some have to be protected) is that the animals that aren't protected are reduced in greater numbers while trying to keep up the population of the protected animals.  Everything has to have a balance to survive, and no one understands that balance better than hunters and those that deal with wildlife and the animal population, like Sarah Palin.  So to keep the balance, you have to reduce the over populated species.  You liberals have to do a little thinking before you speak, and you might get a little more credibility.

  2. If she was not Governor then another Governor would be paying the bounties because of the over-population of wolves there.

    Polar bears are NOT defenseless. Neither are Moose or caribou or wolves. How much do you pay in user fees and taxes for the wildlife in you area? Being a member of Peta doesn't count since they use that money to pay their employees. Hunters pay millions to the benefit of wildlife.

    If it went your way, in a very few years, much of the wildlife you profess love for, will be dead from disease, starvation and predation of other animals. This doesn't count human loss and live stock.

    You'll just have to get over being sick.

  3. If you really want to get sick go and see the damage and pain these d**n wolfs subject on baby, calves, deer, and humans if they are unfortunate enough to be caught alone with them. I guess all you see if a pretty little wolf with no clue on just how  heartless and brutal these animals can be. I would love to shoot the d**n things as fast as I could reload. It is not as pretty in the real world as you would lead us all to believe.

  4. Hunting is a major source of both money and recreation in Alaska.  Wolves are predators that hunt most of the prized game human hunters go after.  that's why there is a bounty on them

  5. Because there is an overpopulation of wolves in Alaska.

    Most states that have an overpopulation of an particular animal are forced to thin the numbers in order to protect other animals.

    In my own state we have had to do the same thing.

  6. There is an over population of wolves and they are killing livestock and people. i would too!We have allot of wolves and i would shoot one in a second.

  7. She's under the control of Big Sheep interests in Alaska.

  8. And she fought to get the Polar Bear from being listed as Endangered.

  9. I guess everybody is just going for looks.  

  10. This question won't affect the neo-cons.  They don't value other life on this planet.  Not to mention the polar bears as well.  I don't understand the high from shooting a polar bear 50-100 yards away as they are pretty defenseless.  Just shows you the mindset of these disgusting people.  I guess killing animals gives them some sort of meaning and accomplishment in life that they can't attain elsewhere.  I am glad I am not that hard up.

  11. Yeah she's a winner for OBAMA.

    Maybe McCains suicidal in his senility.

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