
Does anyone know why Old Navy has not replied to my Credit Card Application?

by  |  earlier

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I have applied twice and they have never even sent me a letter or anything. I have a Credit Score of 700 so that can't be the reason.




  1. pay cash. don't buy if you don't have the money.

  2. Maybe there was a typo to your phone number or address.  it happens all the time.  Or the application was misplaced by an irresponsible worker?

  3. If you join the Regular U.S. Navy.

    You will get all your clothes free.

  4. Call them up and find out.  We would have no idea why they wouldn't have responded.  It might have nothing to do with your score, it might be that you haven't got enough credit history or something questionable.  Call them.

  5. Did you apply in the store or online?  I work at the store and we are told that applicants that are not approved will receive a letter within 10 days.  If you were approved, you would have found out instantly (20 seconds at register).  

    You say you applied twice, so I doubt that a mistake to the address was made twice.  The phone number for the Old Navy Card is 1-877-ACCOUNT, give them a call and see what's up, if they have any record of your application on file.  

    If you applied online, I'm not sure how that works, I have never done it that way.

  6. Probably some kid never turned it in. There's probably a 1-800# on the form; you should be able to apply over the phone.

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