
Does anyone know why? Pregnant or not? ?

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hey.. i have just worked out my dates.. my last period was on 4th August, so technically i would be 6 weeks pregnant! does anyone know why when i do a pregnancy test it still comes up negative?? It says by tomorrow for sure it should definitely come up positive... and i did a test maybe 3 or 4 hours ago and it said neg... do i have to do one with first morning pee?

Does anyone think that as it didnt come up pos today, if i do one tomorrow morning, it will come up positive?




  1. Have you ever skipped a period before?  Sometimes this is normal to skip a long period of time and then start up again.

    If you are pregnant, I know that I didn't find out till I was 2 months along! Hope it's not the same for you.

    Hope this helps ya!

  2. Your last period was on August 4th and you had s*x when you were ovulating, which would be around the 18th to the 23rd, right? 4+14 to 18 days= 22. To that you have to add another 13 to 15 days more or less: 18 +13= 31st. So your period would've come around the 31st of August or this week...

    Try using one of those tests that say they can tell you you are pregnant even before your missed period, and do it with your first pee of the day, which should be more concentrated.

    If that doesn't work out for you, you might need to get a blood test done. Sometimes over the counter tests aren't accurate giving false positives or negatives.

    Good luck!

  3. if your period was on 4th august then you would be 4 weeks pregnant not 6

    try this link and go to the due date calculator, its may still a bit early to tell with a test yet

    good luck though x

  4. You would be 4 weeks pregnant not 6, I think it's too soon to tell. You don't have to do it with the first pee, but is best especially if is this early.

    Try this link, the one you are looking at is wrong completely. It has not been six weeks.

  5. You could be pregnant, or you could be thinking/worrying/stressing/anticipating about it so much that it's affected your cycle.  Keep going with the tests.  I had a 'feeling' in July, but kept showing negative tests till August.  It is probably best to use the first wee of the day as the pregnancy hormone will be less diluted and should register on the stick if it's present. If you're still showing negative, go to docs and ask for blood test.  These are more accurate than peeing on a stick.

  6. Love I'm six weeks pregnant and my first day of my last period was 22 July so you're not 6 weeks. Try to relax as stress can cause the symptoms your looking for give it another week take a test or go to the doctors & have a blood test.

  7. I found out i was pregnant with my son 4 days before my period was due by using a first response test, I used the cheap tests with one of my children but they take 10 Min's to show up, and should never be read after this though because some tests gain a line after 30 Min's or so even when negative.

    Good luck  

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