
Does anyone know why Turkey treats the woman there like seconcond class citizens?

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I was in Turkey a month or so ago. I was very shocked to see how the woman are treated there. Why are they considered 2nd class citizens? I was thinking that Turkey is trying to get into the EU hmmm I don't know about this. Is it because of the Muslim religion? If you know I would be very interested as to why woman are treated this way.





  1. Because they are.

  2. Can you tell me what you don't like then? can you give the a few of the example of what you don't like?

    you seem to not understand a lot of Islam world, u are not poppulation there do judge which system is bad or good for which country?

  3. Sorry Miss, but I strongly disagree. Turkey is a secular country, and women are not 2nd class citizens at all. Where were you in Turkey? And what did you see exactly? And what is that:..."Is it because of Muslim religion?" Why do u think that? If you see something shocking should be the muslim religion the first explanation which comes to your mind? WHY? Prejudice???

    "I was thinking that Turkey is trying to get into the EU..bla bla bla"

    Okey, so lets generalize. Is the EU innocent? Haven't you ever heard any terrible story about raped girls, violence etc.? Is it because of the Christian religion?

    I strongly recommend you to take a tour in Iran.

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