
Does anyone know why??

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why do i keep having dreams and they be coming true?thats wierd to me. like i always have foreshadows y is that?




  1. Because like in literature, life gives us hints that forshadow what is to come. You are probably a very observant person, perhaps with a photographic memory.

  2. I agree in this case that a dream journal should be kept, but I think it's far too early to say for certain whether or not it's actually a gift or just a perception.

  3. you may have the first stage of being able to fortell the future. like psycic abilities.  its not a bad thing. dont fight it! its a great thing! dont be scared either.

  4. Precognitive dreams are actually quite common. What's the oddity here is that not many people remember those particular dreams or understand the symbolism involved. I would suggest starting a dream journal or diary. You have a gift that can be developed.

  5. maby your physco?

  6. Some people ride horses and other peole walk their horse either way you have a personal relationship with your life. You and your horse know the trails.

  7. Could be coincidence, but I doubt that.

    I agree with the others, keep a dream journal.

    [P.S. KNow that your not the only one who has strange dreams like that. If you need to talk about it, email me. Thanks, and good luck!]
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