
Does anyone know why some apples have a water core?

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Does anyone know why some apples have a water core?




  1. It is a good indicator of maturity, in this case over-maturity. Watercore fruit should be harvested ASAP

  2. All apple growing regions but especially arid or semi-arid climates. Susceptible varieties include Jonathan, Delicious, Stayman, Winesap, Granny Smith and Fuji. Water core is associated with high maturity fruit. Low night temperatures in fall hasten maturity and promote watercore development. Watercore is promoted by large fruit, high leaf to fruit ratio, high fruit nitrogen and boron, low fruit calcium, excessive thinning, high light exposure, Ethrel sprays, and girdling of trunks and limbs. Another type of watercore which is unrelated to maturity may occur during unusually hot weather. This watercore is found more on the exposed side of the apple and may be associated with sunscald.

  3. if an apple has water in the core it might be time to harvest? =\

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