
Does anyone know why the Jonas Brothers' first CD, " It's About Time" is no longer being produced?

by  |  earlier

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I know that the first album of the Jonas Brothers' is no longer being made, and the select few copies out there are from individuals, which cost a lot of money. So I was just wondering if anyone knew the cause of this? Surely, if the music label ( presumably Disney Records ) re-released it, they would be paid out a hundredfold. If anyone has any information, I would love to hear it, as I've been puzzling over this for awhile now. Thank you very much!




  1. they got dropped from colmbia records since back then like no one was buying there cds. and they just made their last cd when they came over to hollywood records which is owned by disney, note why they are mainly known as disney stars since most people only heard about them through disney

  2. no think about it. Disney stopped making them so they could jack up the sales value cuz they know they'll sell now but in a few years, they won't sell ****.  

  3. Probably because their 1st album didn't sell and the record company dropped them. (Before they were with Disney)

    you can youtube the songs, though.

  4. that album was not released by hollywood records (disney). it was released by columbia. i'm sure they regret dropping them now- they're pretty popular.  

  5. ...because it was a decent album but disney had to bullsh__ it and stop selling it just for their new stuff.

  6. Because its old and they dont sell old albums. Only new stuff.  

  7. It was done by a different record label.

    They dropped them.

    Disney doesn't support religion, and there is a song about God.

    You can still buy it on e- bay for 90- 350 dollars.

    And people have all the songs on Youtube ;]


  8. they said that it wasnt successful. :(

  9. that album is about 1 or 2 years old...

    Do you see Britteny Spears's first CD out anywhere?

    No, because it is old.

    Thats what makes the Jonas Brothers first album worth alot

    and the people that bought it when they had a chance will one day sell it and make alot of money because there are only a certain amount of copies in the world, and the less of something there is, the more it is worth.

  10. cuz their first record company columbia records produced that album and they are no longer with that company but are with hollywood records. so they dont have it out anymore

  11. well, "It's About Time" they stopped selling that trash

  12. it was from a different record label

    but i bet if you look around you might still find it

    at least thats what i did, but with a different artist lol

    hope i helped =]

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