
Does anyone know why this happens?

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i'm a 15 year old girl. my mom is constantly screaming at me, and i mean CONSTANTLY... she tells me she's gonna beat the effing sh*t out of me, tells me i'm a lazy b**ch.. things like that, all the time. she doesn't have an "inside voice". seriously all she does is scream. and i can honestly say i don't do anything to provoke her. anything! i do all my chores, always keep my room clean!

is it possible she has a mental problem? or is she just a b**ch?

please help i really don't know how much longer i can live with her before i crack. i always cry. no one can really understand how awful she treats me :(




  1. She is probably like most women her age, she just needs to get laid. I'm not talking some basic, run of the mill s*x. I'm saying she probably needs to be really boned, hard. Straight up pinned down and monkey-f**ked. Completely cornholed. The truth is, there is nothing you can do for her. Just avoid her wherever possible. Try to help out around the house. Don't talk back. Just steer clear of her, ok? Whatever you do, don't turn out like her.

  2. maybe she drinks

    whatever she does to you do back to her ten times worse

  3. Hey, I'm a fifteen year old guy, but my dad is always screaming at me, he calls me a "lazy god d**n kid" he gets really frustrated for no reason, I do a lot of work, I do the work he tells me to do, but still gets angry, still don't understand why he gets so angry. I feel a bit more releaved that I'm not alone.

  4. im not quite sure. but my mom does the same thing. it really bothers me sometimes. i cry all the time too.

  5. It doesn't matter if she hits you or not... she is still abusing you. Emotional abuse can be even worse than physical abuse, emotional scars can last for a lifetime. If you can't get your mom to find help, you'll have to get help by yourself - for yourself.

    I am truly sorry that you are being abused like this. A 15 year old should not be crying all the time, and should not be threatened or called names.

      Maybe you can talk to your school counsellor about this ASAP. Until then try to remind yourself that it's crazy or menopausal b******t. Try to be patient, you will NOT crack.

       I will say a prayer for you that things will get better soon. Good luck. :)


  6. please dont say that no one understands ... i DO =(

    best way is to call child services like dss

    im not saying you should get away from her .. but try family conselling

    she"ll prolly fake her way through the 2 hours or so each week so the conselor will leave sooner and think you were exagerating.. but when you get the consellor alone to talk about your relationship with your mom.. its something like bipolar disorder and they have medications.. i convinced them to convince my mom to have us both evaluated for personality disorders.. she had the problem not me... and the medicated her..the downfall is she wont take the medicine cause "nothing is wrong with her"

    im almost 17 and i have dealt with it cause.. i dont have much of a choice.. i love my younger brother sooo much (he is 4) and with all the yelling in my house he needs that love and attention (im basically his mom) i have a bro and 2 sisters and i am the only one who ...suffers from the way she treats me. when im 18 im so out of there (maybe even take my bro with me)

    but what im getting at is you arent alone but there are people who can help. dont be afraid of what your mom will say if you call a consellor or something it might get better if you do it

    if you have anymore questions you can prolly email me

    sorry my response was longer than your question lol

  7. shes just a huge bit ch wow. talk to her. maybe shes upset about taxes and stuff, if not. your going to have to cope up with this c**p.  

  8. Thats a hard question for anyone to answer who doesn't know your mother. In order to find out whether it is a mental illness or not your mother would need to consult a doctor. As for you not being able to stand your home life maybe you should speak with your school counselor about the problems your having and possibly trying to work out a better relationship with your mom. Good Luck!!

  9. tell her how u feel calmly, or just move out. u only have to listen to it for like 2 to 3 more years

  10. Your mom may be suffering from depression ?  Does she have money worries ? Are there other problems at home, work etc ? OR she may be having hormonal problems (its not just teens ya know) is she of an age where she could be starting the menopause ?? This can cause major mood swings, depression etc.

    Sounds to me like you could take the lead here and show her your not a little girl anymore by getting her to sit down and having a chat with her.  Maybe if you ask her if things are ok or explain how you are feeling ? she may just open up to you (or maybe not, but at least you would have tried).  Communication is the key to keeping your relationship with your mom on track.  

    Remember that even if she blows up at you for asking ... if you stay calm (dont provoke) be kind and honest with how she makes you feel when she screams at you you may get more of an insight into why she does it ... listen (even to the shouting).

  11. It could well be she has mental problems AND is a bítch.

  12. 1.either your mother has anger issues and you deserve to call social services and get help


    2.your kind of going through a teen phase where you think your not provoking her and you actually are and she doesn't really do that stuff you just wanted to sound a bit dramatic.

    If it is the first bless your heart. You need to talk to a teacher or any trustworthy adult in charge (not your mother) about what to do because you do not deserve to live in those conditions and she is completely out of order. Good luck.

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